Does this place have a purpose?

Dear reader,

Thanks for dropping by.

I wanted to use this opening post to explain what this place is all about. I’m not sure exactly how it’s going to work but my intention is to use it to record my adventures in writing and publishing a mildly amusing (hopefully, ahem) fantasy series, called ‘The Alignment Cycle’. At the moment I’ve written six books in the series, consisting of two trilogies. The first (‘The Black Guild trilogy’) covers the events that happen at the end of the story (yeah, I’m sort of telling it back to front). The second (‘The Downfall trilogy’) covers the beginning – sort of like the Star Wars prequels, but with better special effects and no trade disputes. Actually, that’s a lie. The special effects are terrible and there is a trade dispute. Or at least a seige. It happens at the start of book #1, although you never get to see it. Anyway … my current plan, if I can call it that, is to start releasing the books from the spring of 2025. This gives me a year and a bit to get my stuff together. And that’s what I’m going to write about here. Me, getting my stuff together. Or trying to.

I’d like to be regular with posts, although we’ve already established that I’m a liar so don’t take my word for that. At the minute I’m trying to get some beta feedback on book #1 and I’ll be posting it shortly on Royal Road. Which will be interesting. Then I need to finish any revisions, sort the covers out, set up my mailing list, get some social media bits and pieces working, find some advance reviewers, get a web domain, and read everything I can possibly find about how to self-publish without vanishing down a sink hole.

So, if any of that sounds interesting then please do stick around. It’ll be fun.
